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Manabu Machida, Toshiaki Iitaka, Seiji
Miyashita, "The ESR intensity and the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction
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Other References
- Manabu MACHIDA, "Response
of Quantum Few-Body Systems to Time-Dependent External Fields"
- Dynamics
of two quantum entangled particles interacting with a potential barrier
in an EPR experiment
V. Petrillo, G. Alberti, L. Celardo, F. Cerutti, S. Franchi and
Vittorio Mariani
- Finite-size Effects in a Two-Dimensional Electron
Gas with Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction
Moca, C. P.; Marinescu, D. C., Physical Review B
75 035325 (2007).
- J.R. Hiller, Supersymmetric Two-Dimensional QCD at Finite
Temperature, (hep-th/0608039)
- Shigetoshi Sota and Masaki Itoh, Fast and Accurate Scheme
for Green Functions and Eigenvectors: Regulated Polynomial Expansion
without Gibbs Oscillation, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Vol. 76 No. 5, May, 2007, 054004 (journal).
- <> C.P. Moca, D.C. Marinescu, S. Filip, Spin
effect in a
symmetric quantum well by a random Rashba field, Phys. Rev. B 77,
193302 (2008). (journal)
FROG's Family
Nomura (Tsukuba Univ.)
Hiroshi Tanaka
(Shimane Univ.)
Manabu Machida
(Univ. Tokyo)
Koji Maruyama (RIKEN)