- ハーバード・理研シンポジウム (HaRiken09)
Application of GPU
Computation to Brain Science, Quantum Science, Astronomy, Fluid
Dynamics and other sciences, 28-29th Aug. (2009).
- ハイゼンベルク・マシーン RIKEN
BMT Award 1PC部門 受賞(2005)
Polynomial 法) GPGPUの背景と展望
- CUNBODY(重力・静電気力N体計算)
- Tsuyoshi Hamada, Toshiaki
"The Chamomile Scheme: An
Optimized Algorithm for N-body simulations on Programmable Graphics
Processing Units",(astro-ph/0703100)
(cited by) (slides)
- CUNBODY library (download)
- Ion Trap Simulation
- S. Van Gorp, M. Beck, M. Breitenfeldt, V. De Leebeeck, P.
Friedag, A. Herlert, T. Iitaka, J. Mader, V. Kozlov, S. Roccia,
G. Soti, M. Tandecki, E. Traykov, F. Wauters, Ch. Weinheimer, D.
Zákoucký, N. Severijns, "Simbuca, using a graphics card to simulate
Coulomb interactions in a penning trap ", Nucl. Instr. and Meth.
A 638, 192-200 (2011). (journal)
- SIMBUCA simulation package (download)
- SIMBUCA simulation movies by Balint Radics (Linkedin)
- pbar and e+ - with scaled Coulomb (YouTube)
- pbar and e+ with no
Coulomb scaling (YouTube)