the 14th iTHES Colloquium:
"Sparse modeling and data-driven science"
by Prof. Masato Okada (University of Tokyo) was held at Okochi Hall on Jan. 7th (Thu.), 2016.(link) (link)
In the talk, Prof. Okada introduced the research project “Initiative for High-dimensional Data-Driven Science through Deepening of Sparse Modeling” funded by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from MEXT (2013-2017). In the talk, Prof. Okada explained the basic concepts of the sparse modeling applied to wide range of sciences, and introduced a concrete example of sparse modeling that extracts a latent structure in electrophysiological data.
References in English
Initiative for High-dimensional Data-Driven Science through Deepening of Sparse Modeling
Notions of Associative Memory and Sparse Coding
Sparse Modeling: Theory, Algorithms and Applications (by I.Rish and B.Brabarnik)

References in Japanese:
スパースモデリングとデータ駆動科学 (人工知能学会全国大会2014講演要旨)
天文屋のための How to スパースモデリング
(to be continued)